Hatch Charts

Discover the perfect fly for every fishing trip with our comprehensive Hatch Charts.

No hatch? No problem. Here is a list of effective patterns to keep in your box year round.
Hare’s Ear 10-14
Olive Hares Ear 10-14
Hare’s Ear W Legs 12-14
Olive Hares Ear W Legs 12-14
Hares Ear Jig 12
Electric Prince Yellow 12-14
Electric Prince Olive 12-14
Electric Price Copper 12-14
Red Choker Prince 12
Orange Pheasant jig 10
Pheasant Tail Lime 12
San Juan Worm Red 8-10
San Juan Worm Brown 8-10
Hi Vis Midge 18-20
Tan Z Bro Midge 14-16
Red Z Bro Midge 14-16
Black Z Bro Midge 14-16
Red/silver Snow Cone 14-16
Black/red Snow Cone 14-16
Brown Birds Nest 12-14
Green Birds Nest 12-14
Wired Caddis Olive 12
Brown Crystal Bugger 6-8
Olive Crystal Bugger 6-8
Black Crystal Bugger 6-8
Copper John 10-14
Copper John Red 10-14
Copper John Green 10-14
Cant get the fish excited? Here is a list of attractor patterns to help get them interested.
Dirty Politician Pink 14
Ales Rough Rusty Blue Pearl 12
Marks Invincible Trout Catcher 12
Peacock Pink Copper 12
Peacock Pearl 12
Swinks Clinger Olive 12
Swinks Clinger Golden 12
Rainbow Warrior 12
Rainbow Warrior 14
Yellow Sally 10
Ales Brown Allstar 12
Masons Peep Show Light 14
Masons Peep Show Dark 14
Markus Copper Hot Head Red 10
Markus Copper Hot Head Green 10
Hatch Dry Fly Pattern Emerger or Nymph Pattern
April to June Blue Winged Olive X Fly BWO 16-18
High Vis Adams 14-16
Adams Purple para 12-14
Adams Irrisitable 12
Brown Birds nest 12-14
Green Birds Nest 12-14
Wired Caddis Olive 12
Klink Black 14-16
Klink Tan 14-16
Klink Olive 14-16
May to Aug Caddis Foam Caddis Olive 14-16
Foam Caddis Tan 14-16
Foam Caddis Grey 14-16
Elk Caddis Olive 10-12
Elk Caddis Tan 10-12
Elk Caddis Brown 10-12
Goddard Caddis 12-14
High Vis Adams 14-16
Adams Purple para 12-14
Adams Irrisitable 12
Brown Birds nest 12-14
Green Birds Nest 12-14
Wired Caddis Olive 12
Klink Black 14-16
Klink Tan 14-16
Klink Olive 14-16
June to July Pale Morning Dun Evening Dun 14-16
PMD Thorax 12-14
Light Cahill 12-14
Hares Ear 10-14
Olive Hares Ear 10-14
Hares Ear Jig 12
Orange Pheasant Jig 10
Pheasant Tail Lime 12
June to August Golden Stonefly Carnage Stone Golden 10-12
Rogue Stone 10-12
Rogue Skwala 10-12
Orange Chew Toy 8-12
Yellow Chew Toy 8-12
Copper Stone 8-10
Black Epoxy Stone 8-10
Black RL Western Stone 8-10
Brown RL Western Stone 8-10
Golden RL Western Stone 8-10
Black Western Stone 8-10
Brown Western Stone 8-10
Brown MOAT 10-12
Black MOAT 10-12
June to August Western Green Drake Green Drake 10-12
Brown Drake 10-12
Green Humpy 12
Yellow Humpy 12
Hares Ear 10-14
Olive Hares Ear 10-14
Hares Ear W Legs 12-14
Olive Hares Ear W Legs 12-14
Hares Ear Jig 12
July to September Terrestrials Sandwich Hopper Tan 8-10
Sandwich Hopper Yellow 8-10
Olive Hopper 8-10
Carnage Stone Golden 10-12
Rogue Stone 10-12
Rogue Skwala 10-12
Foam Ant 14-16
Orange Chew Toy 8-12
Yellow Chew Toy 8-12
August to October Tricorythodes Trico Spinner 18-20
August to October Fall Caddis Goddard Caddis 12-14
Elk Caddis Tan 10-12
Elk Caddis Olive 10-12
Elk Caddis Brown 10-12
Orange Chew Toy 8-12
Yellow Chew Toy 8-12
Brown Birds Nest 12-14
Green Birds Nest 12-14
Wired Caddis Olive 12
Klink Black 14-16
Klink Tan 14-16
Klink Olive 14-16
August to October Blue Winged Olive X Fly BWO 16-18
High Vis Adams 14-16
Adams Purple para 12-14
Adams Irrisitable 12
Klink Black 14-16
Klink Tan 14-16
Klink Olive 14-16
*Please note, this hatch chart is meant to be a general guide for fly selection. Our offering of fly patterns will imitate hatches not listed. Please contact us for more information on selection.
**There are many variables including but not limited to location, altitude and weather that will impact the timing of the listed hatches.